Summer In Florida Can Be Dangerous

There is so much to do in the Sunshine State during summertime that it might be understandable that accidents happen. From the beach, to the boardwalk, to the bike path, summer fun can unfortunately end in tragedy, which can be extra painful if it happens due to the negligence of another person. It is very possible to be alert for potential issues while you and your loved ones enjoy Florida summers; it may wind up coming in handy if someone else acts carelessly.
Beaches & Pools
Beaches and pools are an integral part of a Florida summer, but they can be dangerous in some ways. Florida has very specific laws regulating swimming pools in particular; both public and private pool owners must follow laws mandating certain health and safety standards or risk facing serious consequences. The Residential Swimming Pool Safety Act establishes requirements for private pools which mandate at least one safety feature be installed and operative, such as a pool alarm, pool cover, or barrier or fence of a certain height.
Injuries in a public pool or on a beach, by comparison, are usually handled under the legal theory of premises liability, which states that the owner of a public place has a duty to make that place safe for the people who might visit, though a different duty of care is owed depending on the classification of the person. For example, a landlord must only refrain from intentionally injuring a trespasser for that duty to be met, while a landowner must affirmatively make their property safe, or visibly warn of unsafe conditions, for an invitee (such as a visitor to a public pool or beach who is there with permission).
Amusement Park Accidents
Another type of accident where numbers spike in summer is amusement park injuries. Florida is one of the amusement park capitals of the United States, and does a brisk business in tourism dollars every year from both Floridians and visitors – Tampa boasts Busch Gardens right in our own backyard. However, accidents do happen, and sometimes they happen due to someone’s preventable conduct (or lack thereof); mechanical failures on rides, inadequate lighting, poorly maintained walkways, and improperly trained staff are just some of the potential issues that a park visitor might encounter.
Amusement parks and their staff are held to similar premises liability rules as the owners of beaches and public pools. If you are a paying visitor to the park, you are classified generally as a business invitee under Florida law, which means that the owners of the park owe you the duty to make it as safe as possible, and to clearly mark any hazards that they have been unable to eliminate. If you believe that the park did not exercise the right level of care, you have the right to seek compensation for your resulting injuries (or those of your minor children, if your kids are unfortunate enough to be hurt).
Can A Tampa Personal Injury Lawyer Help You?
It can be very difficult to feel like you have a chance to recover for your injuries if you are injured in a public place like a pool or an amusement park. Having an experienced Tampa personal injury lawyer on your side can help improve your odds, and can also help aid in your recovery, as you can focus on treating your injuries instead of pouring through paperwork. The Rinaldo Law Group can help you be in a position to enjoy your future summers with your family. Contact us today for a free consultation.