Monthly Archives: July 2023

Common Carrier Liability For Commercial Motor Vehicles
Florida defines a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) as any vehicle that does not belong to a governmental entity, uses ‘special’ fuel on highways, and either has 3 or more axles or weighs 26,001 pounds or more. Many passenger vehicles fall under these criteria, though not all – but in addition, they may also qualify… Read More »

How Can Car Drivers Stay Safe Around Tractor-Trailers?
There are quite a few tractor-trailers on Florida roads at any given time, and while the majority of truck drivers operate their vehicles in a safe manner, the consequences are serious when they do not. That said, not every accident can be laid at the fault of the tractor-trailer driver; sometimes cars will not… Read More »

How To File A Claim After A Commercial Motor Vehicle Accident
Florida drivers share the highways with commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) every day – large trucks and buses being the most common, but there are many different types out on the road. Unfortunately, due to their size and normal rate of speed, accidents involving CMVs are often very serious. If you have been injured in… Read More »

Tractor-Trailer Jackknife Accidents Are Dangerous
Tractor-trailers are extremely large vehicles that can still cause serious accidents if they are not in the hands of a person who understands how to operate them. That said, even the most experienced operator cannot prevent every accident. Jackknife-type truck accidents can happen for many other reasons besides driver error, and they can cause… Read More »

The Most Common Tractor-Trailer Accident Causes
Tractor-trailer accidents occur all over the United States, and because of the size and weight of the vehicles involved, they kill a disproportionate number of people each year. The National Safety Council estimates that in 2021, approximately 5 percent of the vehicles on the road were big rigs – but big rigs made up… Read More »

Which Vehicles Qualify As Florida Commercial Motor Vehicles?
Commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) make up a significant proportion of the traffic on U.S. highways, and yet many drivers have no idea which types of vehicles qualify. It may not seem relevant to most people, but in the event of a road accident, knowing these qualifications may help you decide how best to pursue… Read More »

How Do Commercial Motor Vehicle Accidents Differ From Car Crashes?
Florida’s roads are busy at all times of the year, which unfortunately leads to a reliably high number of auto accidents. Cars, trucks, and commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) can all cause serious injuries in crashes, but the difference between them is that in accidents with CMVs, there are more potential pitfalls and complications to… Read More »

Commercial Motor Vehicle Accidents & Vicarious Liability
Florida’s definition of a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) is fairly specific, having to do with the overall weight of a vehicle and the fuel it uses. However, the most important characteristic of a CMV is that it is owned by a corporation, and not a governmental entity. If a vehicle is owned by a… Read More »