Motorcyclist Killed After Tractor-Trailer Crash In Pinellas County

In early December 2024, a motorcyclist was killed in Pinellas County after a collision with a tractor-trailer. The tractor-trailer was turning onto 49th Street in Lealman, but failed to notice the motorcycle until midway through their turn. The motorcyclist was transported to a nearby hospital, where he died, though the tractor-trailer driver was not injured. While motorcyclists are disproportionately likely to be hurt or killed in traffic crashes, it appears in this case that the tractor-trailer driver may bear some portion of fault for the cyclist’s death.
Motorcyclists Are At Higher Risk
Data from the Center for Urban Research at the University of Florida reports that only around 2 percent of all Florida road accidents involved a motorcycle during the last five years – but that percentage of accidents represented as much as 17 percent of all road fatalities. There are several reasons for this – most notably, that motorcyclists have less protection against injury than those in an automobile (in most cases, only their clothing and/or padding they wear is between the motorcyclist and the road).
In addition, motorcyclists are often simply not seen by drivers of larger vehicles until it is too late to avoid injury or death, either because of their own lack of perception, or the blind spots on their vehicle. A tractor-trailer has blind spots where the driver cannot see other road users, and while it does not absolve the driver of liability, it is not unreasonable to assume that the motorcyclist in Lealman was in the tractor-trailer’s front blind spot until it was too late.
Wrongful Death
While there is no word on whether the tractor-trailer driver (or their employer) may face legal consequences over the motorcyclist’s passing, it is important to keep in mind that this is an option for an injured person (or for their family members or next of kin, if they are killed). If you can establish sufficient evidence to show that you were injured due to the negligence of another person, you have the right to seek compensation to cover your expenses.
If you have lost a loved one in this type of crash, you may seek damages for wrongful death on their behalf, though it is usually the personal representative of the deceased who must file suit officially. Florida’s wrongful death statute defines it as any situation in which the death of a person is caused by another’s “wrongful act, negligence, [or] default,” if the person would have been able to file suit for damages had they survived. It can be difficult to hold a tractor-trailer driver or company accountable, but the right attorney can help.
Contact A Tampa Motorcycle Accident Attorney
While the Lealman accident seems to have simply been a tragic event, the fact remains that motorcyclists are at higher risk on Florida roads. A Tampa motorcycle accident attorney from the Rinaldo Law Group can help you understand your options, and to help shoulder the legal load if you decide to file suit so that you can focus on physical and emotional recovery. Call our office today to schedule a free consultation.