Personal Injury Claims & Broken Bones

If someone sustains one or more broken bones due to another person’s negligent behavior, it is sadly all too normalized for the victim to decide not to press charges – not because the injuries are minor, but because fractures are seen as minor injuries unless life-changing damage has been done. If you have been the victim of another person’s negligence, you have the right to seek money damages for the harm you have suffered, even if you feel that harm to have been minor.
Different Types Can Cause Long-Term Harm
There are several different types of bone fractures in addition to the standard simple break (also known as a ‘closed’ fracture) that the average person may sustain. Some of the more common include:
- Compound or “open” fractures, which break the skin and have a much higher likelihood of triggering conditions such as sepsis or infection in the bone;
- Comminuted fractures, in which the bone essentially shatters into multiple small pieces;
- Hairline fractures, which are cracks in the bone that do not cause a complete break;
- Displaced and non-displaced fractures, which are when a bone breaks into pieces and either remain in place (non-displaced) or slowly separate (displaced); and
- Impacted fractures, where one piece of bone winds up on top or otherwise commingled with another.
There is no real consensus on which type is more painful or may take longest to heal, though in general, all but the simplest fractures can take weeks or even months to recover from, which can throw off everything in your life from work to family time. Studies have shown that broken bones can increase the risk of earlier death, particularly in elderly people – after a serious fracture, a person may suffer not only loss of morale, but also potentially a loss of mobility if the injury is serious enough. Filing suit may be an option, depending on your specific situation.
Filing Suit Against A Negligent Defendant
If your injuries are serious enough where they are affecting your day-to-day life, filing suit is an option for you. A personal injury lawsuit is appropriate when you have suffered harm that can be directly linked, with no other intervening cause, to the negligent actions of another person. If this fits your situation, you have the right to file suit, and to seek damages which can help keep your family finances afloat while you focus on physical recovery.
One thing to keep in mind if you do file suit is that additional laws may apply in your situation if you sustained your injuries in a Florida auto accident. Florida has a no-fault auto insurance system, which means that you can only recover in court for injuries sustained if they are “significant and permanent” – more minor injuries must be recompensed by filing a claim with your personal injury protection insurer (all Florida drivers are required to carry a certain amount). However, if your injuries are severe (for example, a bone fracture so deep it may require grafting), the state legislature understands that your insurance coverage may not be sufficient to pay your bills, and allows you to file suit.
Contact A Tampa Bone Fractures Attorney
Bone fractures can be minor injuries, but if you are older or you were involved in a severe accident, they can be quite serious indeed. A Tampa fractures attorney from the Rinaldo Law Group can help answer any questions you may have about your case, and will try and assist you in recovering for what you have been through. Call our offices today for a free consultation.