Tag Archives: Tampa Personal Injury Attorney

Florida’s Good Samaritan Law
When an accident of any kind occurs where the potential for injury exists, immediate medical help may not always be available. If this is the case, sometimes average people will jump in to help, providing what most states call Good Samaritan aid. In some situations, however, rendering aid to an accident victim may leave… Read More »

Has My Family Been Exposed To Lead In The Water?
Many people are familiar with the dangerous and sad state of affairs in Flint, Michigan – a contaminated water system causing significant and widespread health problems, urban blight, and economic ruin. However, what is much less commonly known is that multiple other metropolitan areas have problems with lead in the water – including Tampa…. Read More »

Myths About Personal Injury Lawsuits
Personal injury lawsuits make up over one half of all lawsuits filed in the United States in most years. However, the myths and misinformation disseminated about them are pervasive. Relying on misinformation can cost you time and money, and in some extreme situations, may even lead to your case being lost or dismissed. Before… Read More »

What Is Premises Liability?
Every time one hears a news story about accidents on amusement park rides, or slip and fall accidents in grocery stores, they are hearing about a potential lawsuit under a legal theory called premises liability. Premises liability is a common basis under which to bring a lawsuit in Florida, though many who try are… Read More »

Florida Slip & Falls
Slip and fall accidents, despite the tendency to discount them as not particularly harmful, can be very significant in terms of injuries caused. Fractures, head trauma, torn ligaments and tendons, even spinal trauma may occur depending on the type of slip and fall and where it occurs. If you have experienced a slip and… Read More »

Personal Injury Protection 101
Those who may have come to Florida from other states may not be familiar with the nature of personal injury protection (PIP) insurance, as many other states use a different form of auto insurance. However, every driver in Florida must be at least familiar enough with the basics to be able to insulate themselves… Read More »